How Trees Can Damage Your Shingle Roof

Trees are a beautiful and necessary part of the environment, but they can also wreak havoc on your roof. Even if you’re diligent about pruning and taking care of the trees on your property, they can still cause a lot of damage if you’re not keeping a close eye on your roof.

Here are the most common ways that trees can damage your roof—and when you notice signs of damage, be sure to call a shingle roofing service in Wyoming right away. Putting off roof repairs can make the damage much worse:

  • Clogged gutters: Trees near to or hanging over your home increase the potential of getting nasty clogs in your rain gutters. If you’re not regularly inspecting and cleaning your gutters, you risk causing damage during the next surprise storm. Rain gutters are designed to move water away from your roof and walls so it doesn’t cause damage to either. It also can destroy your foundation and landscaping and set you up for ice dams in the winter. Try to clean your gutters as often as you can manage the job.
  • Overhanging branches: With snow and wind common in Wyoming, you can guarantee that your trees will lose branches over their lifetimes. When these branches fall on your roof, they might take a few shingles with them, or they might create a giant hole in your roof. Either way, make sure you get the damage repaired immediately, or the rest of your home could suffer. It’s also a good idea to walk around your home every few months and make sure there are no overhanging branches—a 10-foot radius around your home should be enough to prevent the bulk of storm-related damage.
  • Falling trees: Speaking of falling branches, falling trees are also a major cause of damage to shingle roofs. Even small trees can very easily punch holes in a roof. When you’re looking for overhanging branches throughout the year, make sure that you also observe the rest of the tree. Are they dying, rotting or otherwise looking unhealthy? Schedule an appointment with a tree and landscaping professional as soon as you notice a problem.
  • Leaves, needles and plant debris: Finally, leaves, needles, pinecones and other plant debris can cause problems for your roof. This plant matter can trap moisture when it piles up, which subsequently damages your shingles, beams and roof deck. To avoid this, keep debris off the roof as much as possible, and be sure to sweep it clean right before the snow starts falling. That way, you’ll avoid warping, rotting and shingle loss from too much organic matter.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to get rid of all of your trees, or constantly worry that your roof is in danger. With regular maintenance of both your roof and landscaping, you’ll avoid damage as effectively as possible.

If your trees have caused damage to your roof, don’t delay—get in touch with Drury Brothers Roofing Wyoming for shingle roofing services to avoid further issues.

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